Workspace Questionnaire

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your input is important to us! We are very excited to start preparing the design of our new office space! Your response will impact our design choice moving forward. We look forward to unveiling the new space in September!

—Dr. Lee

Your Current or Most Recent Workspace

Directions: Think about your current workspace or the workspace that you were in most recently. For this project, workspace is defined as a place used or required for your work. This includes a variety of spaces ranging from an office or library to your kitchen table or living-room couch.

Description: Describe your workspace in detail. How would you describe it to someone who has never seen it? For instance, your description could include details about lighting, decor, sound, seating, and accessibility: Where are the doors, windows, stairways, and bathrooms? Does the space have a kitchen? If you prefer, you can provide a visual depiction of your space. Make sure that it has the same level of detail that a written description would.

There is need for the workspace of any organization to be the best place. “Best place” in this case means where people have control and choice of how, when, and where to work (Steelcase Inc, 2021). My current workspace is located in one of the buildings of Gauze and Effect organization. It is a second-floor spacious room based on a cellular office plan. The office has small cubicles for employees. All the workers share a common door with staircases that lead to the ground. There is a window adjacent to each cubicle. The employees as well share washrooms. There is also one kitchen room. My workspace has a blue metal roof with vinyl ceiling boards. Its walls are white painted, and the floor has ceramic tiles. The room is well lit and its temperature is regulated using fans. The environment is quiet since there is no major source of disruptive noise or sound. Seats and desks are adjustable to give users the comfort they want. The workspace is also equipped with modern computers. The office is easily accessible since directions are given right from the ground.

Functionality: Consider the environment. How is the space organized? For instance, are other people near you? How does the space impact how you relate to others? How does space affect the way you work? How does it impact your productivity? For example, there may be numerous large windows in the space that let natural light in and make it easier to stay alert and focused.

The cellular office layout of my workspace has an impact on how employees work and relate.  Individual cubicles of cellular offices are known to provide peaceful work environments that offer privacy (Saval, 2014; Friedman, Sweeney & Cohen, 2018; Khanna, 2018). This helps to ensure that employees fully concentrate on their work. The windows of the workspace are large enough. They let in natural light into each cubicle. The light makes employees alert and focused. When it is hot, the temperature regulation fans make the environment conducive for work. One of the main disadvantages of cellular offices is that since employees are separated, verbal communication rarely takes place (Khanna, 2018). However, the employees still communicate using memos, emails, and phones.  

An Artifact in Your Workspace

Directions: Think about an artifact in your workspace. For this competency, an artifact must be a tangible object that was created or modified by a human being. It embodies the creative expression of ideas of the creator and the culture in which it was made. Following this definition, anything from a wooden cooking spoon to a computer keyboard could be considered an artifact. Select an artifact in your workspace and answer the following questions about it.

Artifact: What is your artifact? Identify and describe the artifact you chose.

According to Goodwin (2013), workspaces contain artifacts of every imaginable variety and shape. These include chairs, desks, filling cabinets, posters, computer parts, and building architecture. One of the most important artifacts at my workspace is a computer. The organization uses desktop computers in performing various tasks, including word processing, preparing spreadsheets, storage of databases, and exchange of emails. Each office cubicle has a desktop computer.   

Intentionality: How do you use your artifact? How do others use it? What do you think it’s intended use or purpose is? What was the creator, designer, or developer trying to accomplish, and were they successful?

I mainly use the computer in my workspace to prepare speeches for presentation. It is also where I store important documents of the organization under my custody. Whenever I am using the computer, I tend to keep an upright posture. This is unlike my colleagues who bend over the computer. The keyboard, mouse, and monitor of each of the desktop computers at my workspace are designed in a way that they help the user to maintain a neutral posture. Neutral posture in this case is a posture that feels comfortable and not harmful (Brooks, Worthy & Parsona, n.d.). In most cases, workplace designers strive to come up with artistic works that enhance innovation (Gensler, 2016). I think the designer of the computers achieved this purpose in his or her work. Each of the desktops has a mouse and a keyboard that are easy to use. No physical effort is required to operate them. The monitor has a clear display that can be read and adjusted easily.

Functionality: How does the artifact fit into the broader concept of the work environment? To what extent does the artifact play a role in the overall functionality of the workspace? What impact does the workspace artifact have on productivity?

Any work environment needs to be conducive. It has to give the desired comfort. A comfortable workspace motivates employees, and it leads to high productivity (Congdon & Gall, 2013; Alvesson & Sveningsson, 2015). My workspace computers are less likely to cause discomfort. The user feels comfortable operating them. The usage of computers in my organization is one of the main reasons behind its success. 

Variance: Do similar artifacts exist? Are they equally crucial to society? Do different versions of the artifact create particular cultural dynamics? Are the various versions valued in the same way in every environment? Explain why or why not.

Computers are not the only artifacts in my workspace meant for enhancement of workers’ productivity. Artifacts for the similar purpose also exist. For instance, the office has adjustable chairs and desks.  These artifacts make a worker feel relaxed (Pinola, 2016). As noted earlier on, the architecture of the workspace has a blue a blue roof. Blue color is associated with stimulation of thought and concentration (Pinola, 2016).  

Relationship to Workplace Culture: How does the artifact reflect the workplace culture or context in which it exists? Does the environment impact how the artifact is used? Does the use of the artifact change depending on the type of work environment or the company?

The computers at my office reflect the workplace’s culture. Gauze and Effect is based on an organizational culture that supports high performance, growth, harmonious relationships, and the effort of trying to a difference. Agarwala et al (2015) denote that the use of a workspace artifact is influenced by the environment where an organization is located. At my workspace, most tasks are performed using the computer. There is a reliable source of electric power for the computers. Since the workspace has cubicles, each of them has a desktop computer. This helps to ensure that each worker uses a computer.

Relationship to Society: How does the artifact reflect the broader culture? How was it used within the historical context in which it was created? How has its usage changed over time? Make sure to reference your sources.

The broader organizational culture emphasizes on good performance, high productivity, resilience, teamwork, and innovation (Livadas, 2014; Alvesson & Sveningsson, 2015). My workspace computers directly reflect some of these aspects of the broader culture. For instance, the computers lead to high performance and productivity by promoting effectiveness and saving time. They enhance teamwork since they make communication between workers easy. The computers as well promote innovation. Its use promotes new ways of doing things. Computers have been there since 1930s. The First-Generation computers (1937-1946) were simple computers without operating system. They were used to perform single tasks. The Second-Generation computers (1947-1962) had operating systems and memory. They allowed programming, printout of output, and other basic uses. The Third-Generation computers (1963-present) are small, powerful, and reliable. They have the Windows operating system that allows many programs to be run concurrently (Steitz, 2006; O’Regan, 2016).  

Meaning to You: What does this artifact mean to you? What does it say about you and your values?

The computer means a lot to me. It is a device that I cannot be able to do without. I use it in my daily activities at the workplace. Computer usage shows that I am a tech-savvy professional. Since I use it to make work easy and save time, it shows that I am a goal-oriented worker. The computer also depicts some of my values. These include quality work, high performance, professionalism, flexibility, and openness to change.    

 Article for The Gauzette

Angie O’Gram, the editor of The Gauzette, Gauze and Effect’s monthly e-newsletter, has approached you about writing an article. She’d like you to write about the workspace design initiative. Your article will help explain the initiative to the organization’s network of volunteers.

Angie has given you a list of topics and questions that she would like you to discuss in the article. Using the Resources about workspace design (which is also linked in the What to Submit section), answer these questions:

-Compare and contrast cultural and historic definitions of work and workspace using examples:

  • How do different cultures define work and workspaces? What are some examples?
  • How have definitions of work and workspaces changed over time?
  • How do different groups in a culture define work and workspace?
The definitions of work and workspace vary from one culture to another and from one group of people to another. For example, in the United States, work is defined in terms of the identity and importance associated with it. According to (Cedricj, 2012), Americans prefer prestigious workplaces where they earn good money. In France, the definition of work is based on the pleasure it gives individuals. Most French people do not like stressful workplaces. Some of them end up leaving jobs that are not entertaining. Clair (2008) observes that in China, work is associated with flexibility. Even if work usually takes long hours, enjoying a nap for some time at the workplace is allowed. In Africa, the definition of work derives from the success it is likely to bring. As a result, most Africans tend to work hard at their workplaces in order to achieve the success. It is also important to note that the definitions of workspace and work have changed with time. In the past, work was seen as an activity that enables one to earn money and pay bills. In contrast, (Morgan (2018) denotes that today the definition of work centers on purpose, identity, and sense of self. Many people are no longer selective of jobs that give more salaries. The rather choose work that has meaning. This kind of thinking is stimulated by the desire to create an impact on the lives of other people.

Explain how other definitions of workplaces compare to the culture of your current or former employer. Also consider how these definitions compare to the broader societal culture. Share some examples:

  • How does your workspace represent the culture of your current or previous employer?
    • How does the culture of your current or former employer relate to the larger societal culture?
      • How do that employer’s values compare to the values of your society and culture?
An organization’s workspace can be used to describe its culture (Alvesson & Sveningsson, 2015; Friedman, Sweeney & Cohen, 2018). The workspace of Gauze and Effect where I currently work reflects different aspects of the organization’s culture. The organization is based on a culture that supports creativity and innovation. Its workspace emphasizes on thinking outside the box and using new approaches to solve problems. For instance, the employees of the organization are encouraged to use computers in carrying out their tasks. The culture of my current employer in a way relates with that of the larger society. The English anthropologist Sir Edward Burnett Tylor once defined culture as “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society” (Ferraro & Andreatta, 2014, p. 28). Therefore, Gauze and Effect’s artifacts such as computers, seats, and architecture are part of the larger societal culture since they are pieces of art. My current employer’s values as well compare with those of my culture and society. For instance, both cultures prefer change. That is why innovation is emphasized upon.

Describe the relationship between your culture and your ideas about work and workers:

  • How does your societal culture fit with your self-concept as a worker? Explain your answer.
In my culture, work is regarded as an activity that shapes people’s identity. It is believe d that any good work is the one that enables one to find meaning and purpose. Thus work is no longer about money. This belief concurs with my self-concept as a worker. I feel good when I am involved in a task that enables me to lender a helping hand. Such undertakings contribute to my self-fulfillment. 

Explain how studying the humanities can help you understand artistic merit:

  • How has learning about the humanities changed the way you notice artistic merit? How has it impacted what you see in artifacts and your surrounding environment?
Artistic merit refers to perceived quality and value of various pieces of art (Beech, 2015). It is the judgment given to art work in terms of its meaning and purpose. Studying humanities has changed my view of artistic merit. I have come to realize that to understand the artistic merit of a given work of art, there is need to challenge traditional views of the definition of art, its components, and styles. Humanities have also changed the way I perceive artifacts and the surrounding environment. I now understand that artifacts can communicate important meanings. This trend depends on the environment where the artifact is found.

You can use the provided resources and conduct some of your own research. If you decide to conduct your own research, make sure that the resources are authoritative. Remember that you must cite your sources in the article.




Agarwala, T. A., Kemp, L. J., Angell, L. & McLoughlin, L. (2015). The Symbolic Meaning of Artifacts for the Workplace Identity of Women in Academia. Bingley: Emerald.

Alvesson, M. & Sveningsson, S. (2015). Changing Organizational Culture: Cultural Change Work in Progress. London: Routledge.

Beech, D. (2015). Art and Value: Art’s Economic Exceptionalism in Classical, Neoclassical and Marxist Economics. Boston: Brill.

Brooks, A., Worthy, T. & Parsona, K. (n.d.). Office Work. Retrieved from

Cedricj. (2012). The Meaning of Work in Different Cultures. Retrieved from

Clair, R. P. (2008). Why work? The Perceptions of a “Real Job” and the Rhetoric of Work Through the Ages. West Lafayette, Ind: Purdue University Press.

Congdon, C. & Gall, C. (2013). How Culture Shapes the Office. Retrieved from

Ferraro, G. & Andreatta, S. (2014). Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective. London: Cengage Learning.

Friedman, D., Sweeney, S. & Cohen, R. (2018). Culture by Design. Infinity

Gensler. (2016). Creating an Innovative Ecosystem. Retrieved from

Goodwin, T. (2013). Workplace Artifacts: Playing Archaeologist at Your Company. Retrieved on

Khanna, M. (2018). Different Types of Office Layouts. Retrieved from

Livadas, S. (2014). Workspace Design Morphs, Reflects Corporate Culture. Retrieved from Retrieved from

Morgan, J. (2018). The Definion of “Work” has Changed. Retrieved from

O’Regan, G. (2016). Introduction to the History of Computing: A Computing History Primer. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Pinola, M. (2016). Productivity and Ergonomics: The Best Way to Organize Your Desk. Retrieved from

Saval, N. (2014). A Brief History of the Dreaded Office Cubicle. Retrieved from

Steelcase Inc. (2021). Driving Culture Change at Steelcase’s HQ. Retrieved from Driving Culture Change at Steelcase’s HQ

Steitz, B. (2006). A Brief Computer History. Retrieved from

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