Prevention of Diabetes: teaching Experience
Diabetes is a chronic health condition that results when the pancreas fails to produce sufficient insulin or when the body is unable to effectively utilize the insulin it secretes. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2019), diabetes emerged the seventh leading cause of death in the United States in 2017. American Diabetes Association (ADA) estimates that 34.2 million Americans had diabetes in 2018, equivalent to 10.5% the total population (American Diabetes Association 2020). The rates of diagnosed diabetes vary by race and ethnic backgrounds. Cost of diabetes totaled $327 billion in 2017. Additionally, diabetes contributes to serious complications such as stroke, heart attacks, kidney failure and blindness, which contribute to the health burden. Primary prevention is essential in preventing or delaying the onset of diabetes and associated complications. The aim of this paper is to explain a community teaching proposal on American Indian racial group concerning primary prevention for type II diabetes. The summary of a teaching plan, epidemiological rationale, evaluation of teaching experience and community response to teaching will form the basis of this discussion. The paper will also discuss an areas of strength and improvement for persons at increased risk for type II diabetes.
Summary of Teaching Plan
The presentation was administered in form of a poster. A poster presentation is a useful tool when teaching people a topic they have little knowledge about. The target audience include American Indian adults (20 years and over). Every participant was presented with a poster to observe. The posters contained colorful vector illustration with healthy food categories isolated on a bright green background. Caring and plain language was used in shame-free environment. Together, the teacher and the participants reviewed the posters. The teaching centered on type II diabetes and its primary prevention efforts. The time spent to present, explain, discuss and provide feedback lasted 50 minutes. To capture attention and attentive listening of the target audience, the teacher began the presentation with a song inviting the audience to actively participate. The discussion focused on causes, risk factors and prevention of type II diabetes. Making eye contact, repeating the information, modifying the teaching and using body language, ensured the listeners had a better understanding. Primary prevention focused mainly on healthy eating and regular physical activity. The teacher emphasized the importance of balancing healthy nutrition with regularly exercises to curb new onset of diabetes among at risk persons. Unhealthy food and sedentary lifestyle causes overweight and obesity, the risk factors for diabetes. Posters illustrated categories of healthy food, portion sizes and daily caloric amounts. The teacher also shared and explained physical activity guidelines. The guideline recommends 150 minutes of aerobic exercise for moderate activity a week or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week (World Health Organization, 2020).The teacher ended the discussion by inviting the audience to verbalize the facts they have learned about preventing onset of diabetes, to ask questions or make comments. The teacher responded to their questions in a timely manner and made clarification where needed.
Epidemiological Rationale for Type II Diabetes Prevention
Diabetes is a chronic condition that can cause blindness, heart attack, kidney failure, stroke and other complications. It also reduces quality of life, reduces longevity, and places heavy burden on individuals, families, communities and society at large. It is the seventh leading cause of death. 79,535 diabetes-related deaths occur annually in the US. More Americans die from diabetes related complications annually than breast cancer and AIDS combined. In the US, diabetes, especially affects ethnic minorities, with Pacific Islanders and American Indians having the highest prevalence at 16% (Galaviz, Narayan, Lobelo, & Weber, 2018). The prevalence is predicted to increase with social, economic and health costs. The prevalence and association of diabetes with several health complications burden individuals and society. In 2017, diabetes cost the economy some $327 billion, including $90 billion indirect cost (lost productivity) and $237 billion direct medical costs (Berry, 2019). Despite its prevalence, new onset cases of diabetes can be prevented or delayed with simple lifestyle changes, including healthy eating, regular physical activity. Several risk factors for diabetes involve lifestyle decisions and choices that can be modified, cut or reduced with effort and time. Evidence indicate that maintaining normal body weight, healthy dieting and regular physical activity are effective interventions for preventing or delaying the onset of type II diabetes. Moderate aerobic exercise on five days a week can help lower blood glucose levels and manage weight, improve cholesterol and blood pressure. Eating healthy diet comprising of high-fiber, vegetables and fruits helps reduces onset cases of diabetes. Forouhi et al. (2018) argue that dietary factors are essential in the presentation of type II diabetes.
Evaluation of Teaching Experience
This exercise was a rewarding experience. Initially I was nervous due to lack of experience in public speaking. Over time I grew in confidence partly because of the strong passionate have in the topic and partly because of the enthusiasm of the participants to learn. The group responded positively and demonstrated understanding. Nothing makes a teacher or healthcare provider prouder than impacting the lives of others positively and seeing individuals taking appropriate actions and measures to improve on their quality of life and make lifestyle changes so as to reduce the prevalence of preventable diseases. In addition to teaching other people, I also learned from them their experiences and concerns that could influence how I practice.
Community members in attendance showed physical, mental and emotional readiness to learn. They came in numbers, showed focus and enthusiasm to learn, an encouraging sign. The community members demonstrated understanding of what they were being taught by making comments, asking questions and confidently interacting with the teacher. They verbalized correctly the information taught and showed willingness to not only take home and implement what they learned but also to share with others. I received encouraging and positive responses from the audience. The only challenge I faced is time. Time proved insufficient to discuss every aspect in detail and respond to questions raised satisfactory.
The effectiveness of this teaching depends on whether the objectives and aims of the teaching plans are achieved or not. The willingness of the participants to ask questions, make comments and verbalize what they have been taught demonstrate their understanding. Observation the feeding patterns and level of physical activity after the intervention may tell if the people really learned about making healthy lifestyle choices. Body language and gestures are also other cues for knowing if they are learning or not. The participants showed significant improvement in physical activity and healthy dietary intake.
Community response to teaching
The community response was encouraging. The participants wanted to know more about daily calorie amounts and portion sizes, and benefits of being physically active on a regular basis. Many were pleased to learn that some health conditions can be avoided by making simple lifestyle decisions. Diabetes can be prevented by choices persons make every day. Evidence indicates that a low-calorie diet rich in fibers and plant-based foods can reduce the risk for developing type II diabetes. Diet rich in whole grains and fiber is linked with lower risk of diabetes. On contrast, intake of calorie dense foods, sugary foods and drinks, trans fats increases the risk. Physical inactivity and overweight result in insulin resistance by elevating the non-physiological fat deposition in hepatic, muscle and visceral tissues (Galaviz, Narayan, Lobelo, & Weber, 2018). Researchers agree that physical activity is an important component of diabetes prevention. Exercises helps prevent type II diabetes by maintaining the ability of insulin to control blood sugar, enhancing risk factors of diabetes and restoring normal blood sugar (Lynn, 2014). Exercises also promote free fatty acid oxidation in the liver and skeletal muscle. They appreciated knowledge gained during the teaching session and were eager to use it to improve their quality of life and life disease free. Those in attendance agreed to commit to healthy lifestyle living by eating healthy foods and exercising regularly.
The challenges I faced included language barrier, insufficient teaching time, lack of information about diabetes risk factors and primary prevention strategies among the community members. The use of an interpreter to translate the content to the language the audience understands best helped a lot. Also some members (those who were obese and overweight) felt uncomfortable at first but became comfortable afterwards on learning that teaching was shame-free and nonjudgmental.
Participants pledged commitment to change their lifestyle and to follow healthy eating and engage in active physical activity. There requested to take home with them reading material and resources so they can read at they own time
Areas of strengths and areas of improvement
The teacher had been well trained on content delivery and was knowledgeable in various aspects of primary prevention of diabetes. The posters and other reading materials provides were appropriate for literacy, language and culture of the target community. The pilot assessment of community assets made it possible to identify community resources that can assist community members to achieve their lifestyle behavioral goals. The earlier identification of barriers such as culture and language and addressing them helped improve the effectiveness of this program. One area of improvement is the need to integrate peer educators into the community teaching plan. This can help break down socioeconomic and cultural barriers that make the educational program less effective.
This paper has discussed the summary of a teaching plan, epidemiological rationale, evaluation of teaching experience and community response to teaching in the light of diabetes prevention among the American Indian adults. Offering information and support to the community in need is one way to combat preventable diseases. I feel proud and positive for affecting other people positive.
American Diabetes Association. (2020). Statistics About Diabetes. Retrieved on January 7, 2021 from
Berry, J. (2019, April 1). Statistics and facts about type 2 diabetes. MedicalNewsToday. Retrieved on January 4, 2021 from
CDC (2019). Summary Health Statistics: National Health Interview Survey: 2018. Table A-4a. Retrieved on January 7, 2021 from
Forough, N. G. et al. (2018). Dietary and nutritional approaches for prevention and management of type 2 diabetes. BMJ, 361:k2234
Galaviz, K. I., Narayan,K. M., Lobelo,F., & Weber, M.B. (2018). Lifestyle and the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes: A Status Report. American Journal Lifestyle Medicine, 12(1): 4–20
Lynn, D. (2014). 101ways To Stay Motivated And Lose Weight. Authorhouse.
World Health Organization. (2020). Physical activity. Retrieved on January 4, 2021 from
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