The current paper identifies, describes, and discusses three assessment instruments for the evaluation or diagnosis of a personality disorder, a sexual dysfunction, and gender dysphoria. These are: McLean Screening Instrument for Borderline Personality Disorder, International Index of Erectile Function, and Transgender Congruency Scale.
McLean Screening Instrument for Borderline Personality Disorder
One of the most common personality disorders is borderline personality disorder. This condition is characterized by irrational fear, anger problems, feelings of emptiness, distorted self-image, and suicidal thoughts. One of the instruments commonly used for the diagnosis of the disorder is the McLean Screening Instrument for Borderline Personality Disorder (MSI-BPD). According to Zanarini et al (2003) MSI-BPD is an effective tool for the detection of DSM-IV borderline personality disorder. It can be used to assess patients’ response to therapy since it contains a scale that measures the absence and presence of the symptoms associated with the disease. MSI-BPD has good psychometric properties because of its excellent test and retest-reliability, and internal consistency. The instrument also has good sensitivity in detection of the presence of borderline personality at a score of 7. One of the major limitations of MSI-BPD is that although it is useful for the assessment of BPD in a general population, there is need for further research in community samples.
International Index of Erectile Function
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a sexual dysfunction that makes males unable to keep firm elections during sex. The condition often leads to sexual dissatisfaction. The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) is one of the widely used instruments used to evaluate the male sexual function. Rosen et al (2002) recommend the tool for evaluation of ED and clinical trials associated with the condition. IIEF can be applied in the evaluation of the response of patients to treatment. This is because the instrument measures the severity of ED. It also works well with sildenafil and other types of therapies pertaining to this condition. IIEF demonstrates excellent psychometric properties since it meets the criteria for validity and reliability tests. The tool also has high specificity and sensitivity, and it correlates effectively with other evaluations of outcome treatments. The limitation of IIEF lies within the fact that it is only one comparator trial that has been conducted with the instrument so far. This raises questions on whether the tool can effectively work for different population groups.
Transgender Congruency Scale for Gender dysphoria
Gender dysphoria (GD) is a condition characterized by a sense of uneasiness as a result of a mismatch between one’s biological sex and his or her gender identity. This feeling can be so intense to an extent of making the affected individual anxious and depressed. One of the tools mainly used for the measurement of GD is the Transgender Congruency Scale (TCS). The instrument is appropriate for the evaluation of the condition since it directly measures congruence between one’s desired gender category and the person’s current gender expression. Thus, the tool can be used to effectively distinguish persons with GD and those without the condition. Since TCS rates the problem on a severity scale, it means that the instrument can be used to measure the affected persons’ response to therapy or treatment. It also needs to be pointed out that the tool portrays good psychometric properties. Its internal consistency and discriminatory validity are excellent. The major limitation of TCS is that the instrument assumes that all people with GD desire to achieve congruence between internalized identities and their outward expression. These aspects are sometimes controlled by gender norms in the society.
Kozee, H. B., Tylka, T. L., & Bauerband, L. A. (2012). Measuring Transgender Individuals’ Comfort with Gender Identity and Appearance: Development and Validation of the Transgender Congruence Scale. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 36: 179–196. doi: 10.1177/0361684312442161.
Rosen, R. C., Cappelleri, J. C., & Gendrano, N. (2002). The International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF): A State-of-the-Science Review. Int J Impot Res.,14 (4):226-44. doi: 10.1038/sj.ijir.3900857.
Zanarini, M. C., Vujanovic, A. A., Parachini, E. A., Boulanger, J. L., Frankenburg, F. R., & Hennen, J. (2003). A Screening Measure for BPD: The Mclean Screening Instrument for Borderline Personality Disorder (MSI-BPD). J Pers Disord., 17 (6): 568-73. doi: 10.1521/pedi.17.6.568.25355
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