One of the major global challenges facing the 21st century societies is the issue of water pollution. Water is an important resource. All living things depend on safe, clean, adequate and accessible water for survival. Industrial, agricultural, transport, and recreational sectors also depend on water for them to function. Thus, water is important for human health, food production, economic growth, ecosystem functioning, and other purposes (Xiang, 2018). This demonstrates the importance of making an effort to protect the available water bodies against pollution. Water becomes polluted when it gets contaminated by toxic substances (Summers, 2020). Some of the major pollutants of water include organic chemicals, microbes, nutrients, sediments, and heavy metals.
Every day, more than 2 million tonnes of industrial, sewage and agricultural wastes get their way into water bodies that exist in different parts of the world (UNW-DPAC, n.d.). This leads to water pollution. According to the United Nations, about 1,500 square kilometers of wastewater is produced annually (UN, 2021). The amount is six times more than water in all the world rivers Tornado Cash. This waste water eventually enters into rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, and other water bodies causing further contamination. Other significant causes of water pollution include population growth, urbanization, climate change, and increasing scarcity of water.
Many people in the world use polluted water. According to the World Health Organization, one out of three people in the world lack access to safe water for drinking. About 2 billion people use water that is contaminated with feces (WHO, 2019). Every year, polluted water causes the death of more people than a combination of war and other types of violence (Denchak, 2018). For instance, contaminated water causes diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, typhoid, and dysentery. It is estimated that this water causes about 485, 000 diarrhea deaths annually (WHO, 2019). Majority of the people who get affected by diseases associated with polluted water live in the developing countries.
Water pollution affects both the quality and the quantity of water. Contamination leads to the degradation of water quality (Burlum, 2017; Summers, 2020). It makes it toxic to human beings, animals, and plants. It is the use of the contaminated water that leads to waterborne diseases, and other health problems associated with water. The quality of water has a direct impact on the quantity of water (Burlum, 2017). Polluted water is not safe for drinking, domestic purpose, and industrial and agricultural use. Thus it is important to focus on improving and maintaining the quantity as well as the quality of the water resources that are available.
The level of pollution of any water resource is to some extent dependent on the social and cultural backgrounds of the users (Weinstein et al., 2017; Xiang, 2018). For instance, a river that is considered to be filthy by a given community can be regarded as being healthy by the neighboring community. The quality of water from such a river is probably influenced by the ancestral beliefs held by the communities. In Islamic nations and traditional societies, it is believed that water is a gift given freely to humans by God or gods. Therefore, its usage is supposed to be free. It is difficult to convince people from such societies to pay for the improvement and maintenance of water sources.
One of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is to improve the quality of water. This can be achieved through reduction of pollution, minimization of release of hazardous materials, lowering the amount of waste water, and encouraging the recycling and use water (UNDESA, 2016). All these efforts play a significant role in addressing the pollution of water. They help to improve the quality and increase the quantity of water. The purpose of the current research is to explore the challenge of water pollution using evidence-based practices as well as relevant methods in order to come up with reasonable recommendations.
2.1 Annotated Bibliography
Wu, G., Cao, W., Liu, L., & Wang, F. (2018). Water Pollution Management in China: Recent Incidents and Proposed Improvements. Water Supply, 18 (2): 603–611.
This study was conducted by Chinese environmental scientists and researchers. These were Gaojie Wu, Wenzi Cao, Lusan Liu, and Feifei Wang. The purpose of the study was to analyze incidents of water pollution in China, and make important recommendations that can help to improve the situation. From the findings of the research, it was established that that chemical pollutants (36%), heavy metals (20%), and alga blooms (9%) were the major causes of contamination of water in the country. The researchers recommended that there was need for the government to work with industries in order to regulate industrial discharges and control sources of pollution. The source is credible since it was authored by experts knowledgeable in matters of water pollution.
Ahmed, S. & Saba, I. (2018). Water Pollution and its Sources, Effects & Management: A Case Study of Delhi. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 07(2): 10436-10442.
The current study research was carried out by academic professors Shahid Ahmed, and Saba Ismail based at Jamia Millia Islamia University, in New Delhi, India. The aim of the study was to investigate awareness, about water pollution, causes, effects on health, and solutions among Delhi youths. From the results of the study, it was found that 94% of the educated youths consider water pollution to be a serious environmental challenge. It was also concluded that water pollution was mainly caused by waste dumping, untreated sewage,, and industrial discharges. The study as well revealed that polluted water was associated with typhoid, diarrhea, cholera, malaria, jaundice and other conditions. It was recommended that there was need to address water pollution issues through awareness campaigns, and enforcement of strict law that can help to curb environmental degradation. The credibility of the source lies within the fact that it was published in a popular peer-reviewed journal.
Hasan, K., Shahriar, A., & J., K. U. (2019). Water Pollution in Bangladesh and Its Impact on Public Health. Heliyon, 5 (8).
The research was conducted by university professors Khalid Hasan, Abrar, Shahriar, and Kudrat Ullah Jim based at the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh. The purpose of this study was to examine the status of water pollution, explore its public health impact and identity water pollution sources. The study revealed that most water bodies based at Bangladesh are contaminated and are not suitable for human use without being treated. These water sources are mainly contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, and bacteria. It was also found that water contamination leads to various waterborne diseases that threaten human health. The study is credible since it was conducted by informed professors who have knowledge on water pollution.
Chaudhry, F. N., & Malik, M. F (2017). Factors Affecting Water Pollution: A Review. Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography, 7 (1)
This study was authored by Chaudhry and Malik who are researchers at the Department of Zoology of the University of Gujrat, in Pakistan. Its goal was to investigate various factors that affect water pollution. The researchers found that the biggest factors that influence water pollution include industrialization and population increase. These factors have led to the scarcity of pure water. The research can be said to be credible since it is the work of knowledgeable scientists who are conversant with serious issues such as pollution. The study was also published in a relevant journal.
Takić, L., Mladenović-Ranisavljević, I., Vasović, D., & Đorđević. L. (2017). The Assessment of the Danube River Water Pollution in Serbia. Water Air Soil Pollut, 228 (380)
This particular study was conducted by various researchers from different university departments of science: Ljiljana Takić, Ivana Mladenović-Ranisavljević, Dejan Vasović and Ljiljana Đorđević. Its purpose was to assess the ecological status of the quality of water from Danube River, in Serbia, and calculate its water pollution index (WPI). The results of the study indicated that the water of this river was moderately polluted with a WPI of 1.352. This research is credible since it is published in a pollution journal.
World Health Organization (WHO). (2019). Drinking-water: Key Facts.
The source was authored by the World Health Organization (WHO). Its primary purpose was to provide important facts about drinking water, and water pollution in general. According to the report, it is only 71% of the world population that is able to access drinking water that it safely managed. The rest uses water contaminated with feces and other pollutants. The source is credible given the fact that it was authored by a famous organization concerned with global population health.
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). (2021). Tackling Global Water Pollution.
This article was a product of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Its aim was to propose important measures that can help to curb the challenge of water pollution. According to the article, this issue can be tackled through reduction and regulation of wastewater and marine litter. There is also need for countries to monitor their water quality levels and provide reports on the same in order to create global awareness of this problem. The article is credible since it is authored by an organization whose effort in addressing environmental issues is internationally recognized
2.2 Methods
The current study was based on a qualitative research method. This method involves the collection and analysis of non-numerical data (Packer, 2017). It leads to detailed exploration of experiences and concepts. In this study, qualitative research enabled the researcher to get important information about the cause of water pollution, its impact, and how the issue can be addressed. To achieve this goal, the study employed a case study research design. Case study is a method that involves engaging an individual or groups of people to get in-depth information about a specific case or event (Packer, 2017). The usage of this research design enabled the researcher to obtain useful information about water pollution experiences of the targeted population.
This research was conducted in Peach Tree Village that is located at Tyler County, of Texas State, in the United States. It mainly targeted the users of water from Neches River. The choice of the study area was informed by the fact that Texas is among the United States’ worst polluters of water (Rosen, 2014). During the study, simple random sampling was used to select participants for the study. A total of 496 participants were engaged. Data was collected using personal interviews and direct observations. The collected data was analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, and other qualitative methods of data analysis. It was presented using common themes and verbatim quotes.
3.1 Proposed Solutions
There are many ways through which the issue of water pollution can be addressed. To begin with, it is important to ensure that toxic chemical wastes are disposed properly (Wu et al., 2018). For instance, setting up a collection center for household cleaning agents, pesticides, and other chemical products is necessary. Some of these products can be recycled and used. There is need to embrace the aspect of wastewater treatment (Chaudhry & Malik, 2017; Hasan et al., 2019). This can help to ensure that pollutants are removed from this water. Since agriculture is one of the major causes of water pollution, there is need to practice green agriculture (Chaudhry & Malik, 2017; Takić et al., 2017). This involves planting some trees and other types of plants along water bodies to prevent the entry of agricultural wastes.
Some of the areas with high cases of water pollution are those ones whose residents lack access to proper sanitation facilities. As a result, some tend to defecate in the open. When it rains, the feces get into waterways. There is need to construct more toilets in such areas (WHO, 2019). It is also important to note that the government can play an important role in reducing water pollution. For instance, it can pass important laws regulating the amount of pollutants from various industries (Ahmed & Saba, 2018; Wu et al., 2018). Additionally, there is need to report cases of water pollution to environmental agencies and other authorities (UNEP, 2021). This can help to increase awareness of the problem. It can also ensure that something is done for the purpose of changing the situation.
3.2 Interpretation of Research Results
From the findings of the research, it was established that water pollution is indeed a serious issue that calls for immediate attention. Water is mainly polluted by wastes from industries, agricultural fields, and untreated sewerage systems (Chaudhry & Malik, 2017; Hasan et al., 2019; UNEP, 2021). Using the contaminated water is harmful to the health of human beings. For instance, it leads to waterborne diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid (Takić et al., 2017; WHO, 2019). To avoid such health problems, there is need to put in place effective measures that can help to reduce or prevent water pollution. These include proper disposal of wastes, control of industrial pollutants, and creation of awareness of the issue (Ahmed & Saba, 2018; UNEP, 2021). Such measures play an important role in improving the quality of water.
3.3 Significance of Findings
The current research is important in the sense that it provides useful information for policy making and change at the local, national and global levels. It enables governments and other stakeholders to see the importance of addressing water pollution and improving water quality. The research also contributes to the scientific body of knowledge pertaining to the pollution of water. It gives important recommendations on how this issue can be dealt with. One of the major limitations of the study is that it was based on a small study sample. Such a sample may not be representative of the general population that was targeted by the study. It is also important to understand that the findings of the study may not be applicable to some contexts or situations. This is due to the fact that the perceptions held about water pollution vary from one place to another.
Although water pollution is one of the major threats to human health, it is important to note that the issue is preventable. Some of the methods that can be used to address this challenge include disposing wastes properly, treating wastewater, embracing green agriculture, constructing sanitation facilities, regulating industrial wastes, and reporting incidents of water pollution. The effort of addressing the problem of water pollution calls for a joint effort from different stakeholders. The government, non-governmental organizations, water users and other parties need to collaborate and partner in ensuring that the quality of water is improved.
Some of the recommendations proposed in this research have some significant ethical implications. For instance, planting trees along rivers and other water bodies is important in reducing water pollution caused by wastes from agricultural fields. However, this measure is also harmful since some trees consume a lot of water thereby lowering the downstream water levels. An example is trees of the Eucalyptus species. Another important concern that the recommendation is likely to raise is one pertaining to certain cultural beliefs associated with the use of sanitation facilities. Some communities do not believe in the use of toilets. They embrace open defecation for cultural purposes. It is difficult to convince an individual from such a community on the importance of using a toilet.
Ahmed, S. & Saba, I. (2018). Water Pollution and its Sources, Effects & Management: A Case Study of Delhi. International Journal of Current Advanced Research, 07(2): 10436-10442.
Burlum, S. K. (2017). The Race to Protect Our Most Important Natural Resource: Water. Place of publication not identified: Sam Burlum.
Chaudhry, F. N., & Malik, M. F (2017). Factors Affecting Water Pollution: A Review .Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography, 7 (1): DOI: 10.4172/2157-7625.1000225.
Denchak, M. (2018). Water Pollution: Everything You Need to Know. NRDC. Retrieved from
Hasan, K., Shahriar, A., & J., K. U. (2019). Water Pollution in Bangladesh and Its Impact on Public Health. Heliyon, 5 (8).
Packer, M. J. (2017). The Science of Qualitative Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Rosen, R. A. (2014). Texas Aquatic Science. College Station : Texas A & M University Press
Summers, K. (2020). Water Quality: Science, Assessments and Policy. London: IntechOpen.
Takić, L., Mladenović-Ranisavljević, I., Vasović, D., & Đorđević. L. (2017). The Assessment of the Danube River Water Pollution in Serbia. Water Air Soil Pollut, 228 (380).
United Nations (UN). (2021). The United Nations World Water Development Report. Retrieved from
United Nations Department of Economic and Socia Affairs (UNDESA). (2016). International Decade for Action “Water for Life” 2005-2015. Retrieved from
United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). (2021). Tackling Global Water Pollution. Retrieved from
UN-Water Decade Programme on Advocacy and Communication (UNW-DPAC). (n.d.). Implementing Improvements in Water Quality and Protecting Ecosystem Services: Information Brief. Retrieved from
Weinstein, J. N., Geller, A., Negussie, Y., Baciu, A., & National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (U.S.). (2017). Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity. Washington, DC : National Academic Press.
World Health Organization (WHO). (2019). Drinking-water: Key Facts. Retrieved from
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Wu, G., Cao, W., Liu, L., & Wang, F. (2018). Water Pollution Management in China: Recent Incidents and Proposed Improvements. Water Supply, 18 (2): 603–611.
Xiang, G. (2018). Urban Development With The Constraint of Water Resources: A Case Study of Gansu Section of Western Longhai-Lanxin Economic Zone. S.I.: IntechOpen.
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